Sunday, December 13, 2009

What to do if your child is hyperactive

If you observe that your child is overly active, can not concentrate on anything, inattentive, does not control their behavior, often jump from one place to another, can not do the rest, and constantly changes the mood, then ... do not scold his. And in any case not be afraid that your child is hyperactive.

If you notice these symptoms the first thing parents must apply to psychoneurologist. This doctor may send a child to a child psychiatrist.

There are a variety of psychological and educational programs that are sure to help him. In addition, appoint a specialist drug treatment. Nowadays there are a variety of medications, which fully proved their effectiveness. If the remedy and its dosage are chosen correctly, the dramatic changes in the body of the child will occur fairly quickly.

However, only pills is not enough to save the child from the difficulties associated with its diagnosis. Decisive role in this difficult matter belongs to the parents. They are required to make the regime of the day for his child. His adherence to accustom the child to a calm, measured life.

Parents should avoid standing prohibitions and mistakes. Also unacceptable to demand the impossible. For example, the punishment should not be limited to restrict the child in motion. If the fumes given a task, then it should explain calmly, clearly, and if necessary, and a few times. In a room of hyperactive children should not have bright colors. All he really needs to be extremely simple - it is necessary for concentration.

If a child sits down to draw on the table there should be nothing related to this process. If he plays, it is necessary to try to limit the number of toys. These children are not able to make anything they are not distracted. Care of this obligation to the senior members of the family.

Motor activity of the child may be sent in a very useful direction - in the sport. Would be the best swimming, as the water calms the nervous system. But other sports are not contraindicated, as long as the child liked to attend classes.

Hyperactive children should not be punished for bad grades, for academic failure. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that parents are often unaware of mental disorders fumes, but they want their child was the best in class. In the end, without understanding the reasons for its backwardness from classmates, they demand the impossible, what is more damaging to their psyche. Should be aware that in this case, self-esteem of the child is much more important to performance in the classroom.

The positive response of parents to their child, the changes for the better should take place in the family, even if these changes are insignificant. The efforts of the child should be rewarded with praise.

Parents also must have patience - they are responsible for their child, they are obliged to help him.
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Friday, December 11, 2009

Six kinds of love

It turns out that if you know how man understands love, we can predict the future of your relationship. It is noted by Aristotle, identified six types of love. How many of these "types" are specific to your relationship, you can only define yourself.

Agape - sacrificial love. A man who understands that feeling as a commitment, will do everything to beloved was good. Rather, he long for you courted before a declaration of love. You notice that he had never been required in response to his feelings, it is completely disinterested.

Such love, of course, has many advantages. Man, constantly sacrificing themselves and their own interests for yours, creates trust and respect. But no more. Typically, total care begins to pall. I want passion, but, alas, the man assumes the role of "loving daddy." It is certainly nice, but the sex drive is not contributing. And since man does not require you to no recoil, you begin to appreciate it less and less.

Lyudus - the so-called "love-game. It is based primarily on sexual attraction. Courting a man does not bother yourself. After all, he believes that sexual attraction to a woman and is the best proof of his love. The longer a woman holds a man at a distance, the more it cools to it.

By the way, you may notice that, apart from you holder meets with several women, moreover, is not jealous, if you start to his eyes to flirt with others.

Perhaps first you overwhelm the storm of feelings and emotions. But then, when the passion pass, you may find that, besides sex, you do not particularly intimate. A man who believes that sex - this is love, as a rule, quite selfish, thinking only of their desires.

Eros - sensual love. It is based primarily on loyalty, and only then on physical attraction. Interested in your life and problems. Not disappear after the first night spent together. You have things to talk about. In conversation, he tells not only about themselves, but also interested in your emotions and feelings. You have found almost ideal partner. This man will not assert himself at your expense, he appreciates your feelings and not be blackmailed by his love.

Mania - love-obsession. As a rule, based on passion and jealousy. In the center of the love of the male partner is not, but he himself. As a result, he is constantly trying to assert himself at the expense of others. This can be expressed in different ways, but most - in the form of banal domestic vulgarity, or humiliation "over trifles." Such a man would unconsciously expect any problems in your relationship, and if they do not arise, he creates them. For example, he no longer liked the way you wash the dishes. Or what if he starts to find fault that you spend too much money. Such a man is waiting for what the other person will fall into a state of dependence, believed that a woman should love him just because he was with her. From such a man can expect pathological jealousy. Such a person is jealous, not because you are afraid to lose, but because you can "escape" from under his authority.

Pragma - "rational" love. This man said that he needed the woman to whom it would be convenient. At acquaintance he, above all, trying to find out whether you are able to run the household, did not suffer a hysterical attacks, etc. In general, the looks, it is convenient if you build a life together. Passion and unexpected behavior in your life together will not. Continuing will pursue the feeling that you have chosen as a commodity. As long as you give your partner everything he expected from you - stability, material benefit - he loves you. But once this foundation is lost, should the gap. Such a man will constantly control their feelings, and will ask you the same.

Storge - love, friendship. The man tells you about all their problems and relatives until the fifth generation. You feel that you can share with them everything they want. You never arises fluctuations, how to tell him anything - you're coming up and talk. You are always assured that in any case will find understanding and support. Perhaps soon you will not miss the strong emotions - want new experiences. Maybe this is what you are looking for.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Is there a future for relations at a distance?

You moved to another city for work or for study at a prestigious university? Fled loved one, and now among you vast distances? Well, do not worry, now you have to start relationships at a distance. Of course, if you really want.

I want it!

Naturally, you will not be easy. But there are several things that will help save a relationship, as between you and the beloved of hundreds of kilometers.

1. Find foothold

You start a new life as a student or as a new employee. Such major life events is akin to relocate to a new planet. At first, all you will find chuzhym, unfamiliar: and those around you, and himself a new city. This is especially difficult when there is no close loved one who could support you in difficult times. It is very important to find a foothold and get on their feet, find their place in life. Only then can we begin to think about how to maintain relationships.

2. Find friends

Even if all your thoughts now about the lover with whom you are separated by hundreds, thousands of kilometers, is worth making an effort and start talking with new people. Of course, not be carried away and immediately familiarize themselves with all the running, but need to make friends with at least a few people. You especially lucky if they too would be "novices", and adapt to new environment, you can together. <
3. Acquire speechless

It is natural to feel depressed if you miss on its halves, but do not close on people, otherwise you may become even worse. Tell us about your experiences, and you will feel better: you'll see what prospects there are in your relationship. Help friends and can speak his girlfriend, parents, psychologists, and even colleagues.

This is love?

Now, when you do not close and do not spend all their time together, it is worth considering that if you do not exaggerate the importance of these relations. Maybe the rose-colored glasses broken, and it turns out that with the current partner you spend time in vain.

Of course, the relationship at a distance and may exacerbate your feelings, to make relationships more delicate. But that requires trust and substantial cost for short trips to each other. Decide whether to continue the relationship, only you, but do not forget to find out what your partner feels.

What are you doing this Friday?

Now, when you spend your free time apart, consider how you use the time spent together. For example, your favorite weekend preferred to sit at the TV, it's senseless clicking the remote control, and you want to travel around the country. Or is it all right? Now you have time to think about it and find a compromise for the future.

And then? <
Do not build all future plans for the weekend of your life: perhaps your attitude would change drastically, and some time you will see each other often. It is important to remember that their thoughts and emotions should not hide from the partner, he must know all changes in your feelings. Nobody will give you a guarantee that your relationship survive the separation, but mutual honesty will help you cope with difficulties.

Enough! I do not need!

Do not be fooled: the idea that your partner is on the other end of the world, might be to far. But do not think that now you can be windy, but he does not know it. Over deception certainly come a sense of guilt and regret, and even worse would be if the deception ever be revealed.

1. Speak honest

If you are not sure that will be faithful - better to leave immediately. Even before you loudly swore eternal love, still do not make out once said the words the reason you do not need to maintain relationships.

2. Be a good girl

There is no need to tell more about your new life, if you decide to separate. Especially if you remain faithful to the gap you still failed. Admit that you need to leave and not go into unnecessary details of your current personal life, there is no need to do the former beloved hurt.

3. Be strong

Part is not always easy. Gap very few people survive easily, and help to overcome this difficult period can only honesty and respect for each other. The only way you can maintain friendly relations. Think about where and when the report of its decision. Do not invite ex-lover to visit only in order to say that he was the former.
Relationship at a distance - a complicated thing, and decided on a cost only, think carefully about all the pluses and minuses. On the other hand, the development of Internet communications makes it possible not only to communicate, and even see each other. Our ancestors such opportunities could not boast. For example, if in love help create a program Skype, which allows to see the talking during the interactive discussion.

8 ideas of good sex

Every woman in his own charming and unique. And almost each one has in store unsurpassed techniques seduction of men. But that evening, spent with her beloved, was even more interesting and more romantic, offering 8 original ideas for good sex.

Idea first: Mirroring

How long have you watched the two of us are doing sex? This is very Turns men, believe me. Select where in the house can be so arranged. If the biggest and convenient mirror fixed tightly and it is difficult to drag to bed, you can love each other, for example, in the living room. If possible, install on all sides additional mirrors, call the glazier, finally, let them stand up with a mirror nearby. Turn around so that all could see, feel free to snoop on all sides, to make each other compliments.
Idea two: A comfortable rocking
Many of these judges have sex specially composed its furniture rocking chair. If you have not tried to do it with love, then lost a lot - quickly run into the furniture store. Well, if you do not have sex for a main hobby, you can just asked for an overnight stay at the villa to friends who love to swing with a book in his hand, and the night dragged a rocking chair in his room. Sex in a chair - just super-duper! Above all, relax, do not run over me on the toes.
Idea Three: Unexpected Officer

Sex in the dark - an amazing thing! This is sure. The room must be completely dark, and the reliability you can put a blindfold on. Imagine that you - the responsible employee, earned late in the office. Suddenly something burned out, and completely turned off the light. Looking for a way to the stairs, you are in pitch darkness encounter with a stranger in silence had begun to pester you. Having tried to resist, you suddenly own works and, realizing that resistance was useless, throw yourself a sudden impulse. Caressing and undressing each other, you are more and more excited, not coping with emotions. Kisses and caresses are becoming bolder and more insistent. Hands, lips ... the desire to boil all the stronger, and impatience causes tremors. Where and how you have sex - not important. Just unleash their passionate nature!
Idea Four: Checking panties
You are in no hurry to paint her dressing gown in front of sinks in the bathroom, doing her hair, dry hair, hair dryer. A man stands silently behind, peeping behind you. Surely he thinks: "What she has there with the pants, whether they are suitable in color to the gown? Are there any? We check. The man begins to verify you, but you should not be distracted. Just do not pay any attention to it, you also do not have time to put your hair after a shower. Do not restrain the natural curiosity, your service partner runs his hand under her robe, raises it and slide up the leg ... But not only the same hands to check this?
The idea of five: Learn your house
Where in your house you have not had sex? I can not believe that imagination is fully exhausted and there is not an attractive new place for amorous pleasures. Each partner offers its own version. Those who first proposed the most insane and attractive idea, becomes a director of action. Other interesting ideas written on a sheet attached to the refrigerator and wait in the wings ...
The idea of six: Stranger in your soul

When you wash in the shower, let your man suddenly turn off the light. Meanwhile, imagine that you are in after school sports club, went to the shower. Although he has lost the light, you continue to bask under the streams of water and suddenly feel like the stall comes someone else. This is a man who mistook cabins, but what to do? Angry and kick poor in the dark? Not his fault after all, which turns off the electricity. Let the next wash. Booth a little tight and it is not easy to bathe together, have to do it one by one. Although it is not very convenient. Then you start to lather each other's hands, feeling every inch of the body. It is now nothing to be ashamed, and the darkness will hide all the secrets ...
The idea of seven: Obedient slave
Wearing a girl blindfolded and tied her hands in front (or handcuffed), the man makes it a slave of his desires. Bewildered and defenseless, it's worth, not knowing that now it will do. Cynically grinning and drawing out the pleasure, the man is in a hurry and do not fuss. Slowly and with a taste he enjoys his victim, a perverse and exquisitely satisfying all of the most lustful desires and fantasies. Sex toys and other appliances, hot wax and ice cubes - anything other than iron and palnika. Now he's a full owner, and the girl's body - belongs to his lust.
The idea of eight: imperious mistress

Wearing a collar on a man, a woman turns him into a sex slave. Optionally, you can pre-buy in the sex-shop something else (secret from the men). For example, the gag, whip, handcuffs, special clothing. At the time Mrs. receive an unlimited right to his slave. Under her orders, he licks, sucks, kisses, serves, becomes the desired position. You can tie him to a bed, chair or anywhere standing. Whatever! No waivers are not accepted.

The most important thing in all these scenarios - respect for your partner. Therefore, whatever option for an erotic evening you could choose, always love each other and be happy!

Understand each other

Why do women and men so often take offense at each other and in the home, and in the intimate life? Is it because they do not want to understand each other? They can not, but it did not want.

The statement that women are from Venus and men from Mars, I think I invented in order to justify a reluctance to make contact and mutual understanding. Trying to understand - much harder than to declare the impossibility of understanding. After all, if women and men really spoke different languages, we initially would have been denied the opportunity to build a social environment, to create a family, to work in one area ...

Of course, the outlook of men and women there are nuances, but the differences were not significant as they represent. The fact is that in order to agree, you need to talk. Do not lay up resentment, not to hope that the partner somehow magically acquire the gift of foresight and start reading our thoughts and divine will, and talk.

Take intim ...
Sexual relations in the family play an important role.
Scientists argue over how much love lives: get a year, then two, according to the latest survey - even four ... Many trees live a hundred years ... and even thousands ... And how they will live, if you deprive them of moisture and sunlight? To fill with dust and poison gas ... about what we do with our feelings: someone out of ignorance, someone on the spiritual negligence and laziness. If you want to be happy and keep their love a hundred years, then start talking with each other since the first rendezvous, and let your conversations will be with each year of marriage all the more forthright and trustworthy.

Most in the intimate life of a leadership role given to man. She holds the following positions - that he let me win, seduce, excite, appeased. If not brought to orgasm, then he is no partner. In fact, everything has to be not quite true. Man, as a woman, may be inexperienced, but that does not mean that in time he did not get a passionate lover. Moreover sexologists claim that harmony is possible in sex only if both partners think about the pleasure of each other and are excited by the fact that doing good man she loved.

Men were told a hundred times that size does not matter here ... the same story as with cellulite ... Men do not know about it until they did not report the women themselves ... The same size and masculinity are not worried about the minds of women, while about It does not have any minute to talk themselves men.

Everyone knows that the woman likes ears ... No matter what you say - even if you speak French or purr like a cat, it is still excite her. But the ears of love not only the woman. Men also arouses a passionate woman whispering, it does not matter what it is about ... groans, sighs, cries of concern to both men and woman.

And women, like men, like eyes, so do not be shy and let your partner enjoy your body. Forget about the imperfections. Once you're together, it means you like each other exactly as what you eat. Not hide their admiration for each other, be tender, talk about passion. Words: "I want you", "I am burning with impatience" - very, very excited.

Most first kisses should be cautious, as if to ask: "Can I?" In impatient and hot, they should proceed gradually with the growth of the desire of both partners. Madly excited kisses, scattered throughout the body, the main thing - do not forget to take a bath or shower proximity to both. Many like kissing and biting the ear lobe, and someone is furious ...
In this case, do not need to save irritation in yourself, and tell your partner that you dislike, and that, conversely, gives an indescribable pleasure.

You can send your favorite hand-favorite on the desired area of the body. Breast readily respond to kindness. Both men have read and heard about it. But the majority of women give pleasure only light touch, but not under pressure, especially if the breast is not silicone, but real. Strong compression may cause pain and had awakened a desire to drive. And, in any case do not bite! A man attached himself to a woman's nipple and smacked with a zeal hungry baby, too, does not cause excitement in most of the women. Much more pleasant, if a man can easily licked the nipple, as cherry, situated on a hill of ice cream. Pinch, too, do not need, and then immediately comes to mind: "We rode in a boat Grisha, Misha, and pinched. Grisha, Mishka drowned those who remained in the boat? "But some want to drown it Schipaya. Again, no excitement.

Women do not forget that many men in the world, which also excite caress their breasts and nipples. Try it on your favorite. But there are men who have any contact with the breast is a tickle, then you should not continue just to experiment with this part of the male body.

And the man and the woman excite affection inside thigh. Run her fingers on the skin of a partner, pat, kiss. In this part of the body and the trace of lovemaking left to fear. Recently read an indignant young man saying: "I also want to be kissed under the knee!" Kiss your favorite place ... And not only! Ask where your touch is particularly welcome. Each person has their own erogenous zones, and find them on the body of the beloved can be the most unexpected places.

Most people enjoy the natural scent of a partner, so it is not necessary to its proximity to pour over a bottle of toilet water and lubricate all the places gel or deodorant. Be just clean - this is quite enough. Can inflict on the body of a tiny drop of lavender oil, rose oil. The most erotic and exciting is Ylang-ylang. And anyone concerned myrtle. Feel free to experiment. But be careful - oil should not get into eyes and other sensitive places. Even on his skin, it is desirable to apply diluted with boiled water. But you can safely moisten a piece of fleece with butter and put it in a pillowcase.

To caress intimate places sexologists advise to start after all the other caresses, when the passion is nearing the top.

During proximity woman needs to throw all thoughts of immodesty, about how she looks in the eyes of a partner, and all the thoughts and actions directed towards the achievement of pleasure, because they make themselves happy woman can only herself, making mental and physical effort. A man - just a helper, a tool of the Amur, granted to her for the perception of fullness of life.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Inflammatory diseases of the urethra (urethritis)

Inflammatory diseases of the urethra

Urethritis (from grech.urethra - urethra) - inflammation of the urethra.
Inflammatory diseases of the urethra are known throughout the history of mankind. Scientific basis for the study of urethritis appeared in 1879, when Neisser identified the bacterium, now known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, in stained smears of urethral, vaginal and conjunctival discharge (Hook and Handsfield, 1990). Thus emerged the possibility of division of gonococcal urethritis and negonokokkovy. Or, in other words infectious and noninfectious.

Among infectious urethritis, depending on the pathways of infection, distinguish venereal infection through sexual intercourse (for example, up to 50% of Americans aged 30 to 35 years, have inflammation of the urethra resulting infections (Handsfield, 1992)), and nevenericheskie, arising from infectious diseases (typhoid, influenza, malaria, sore throat, mumps, etc.). When nevenericheskom urethritis infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, etc.) falls into the urethra with blood.

The most frequent causative agent of urethritis is gonococcus. Reason negonokokkovogo urethritis may be chlamydia, ureoplazmy, Trichomonas, candida, herpes simplex virus, human papilloma virus, mycoplasma. Urethritis may be a complication of prostatitis, instrumental interventions, the presence of a foreign body of the urethra. Urethritis is also a symptom of immunological diseases such as Reiter's syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Very rarely urethritis manifested allergy to food or chemical agents.

Urethritis manifested classic signs of discharge from the urethra, accompanied by a burning sensation when urinating or itching. Urethritis - one of the most frequent causes of visits to the urologist.

The diagnosis of urethritis is established on the basis of clinical picture, microscopy discharge from the urethra and identify the pathogen by polymerase chain reaction in the scraping of the urethra.

In the absence of treatment of acute inflammation becomes chronic.
Complications and treatment of urethritis

Complication urethritis is most often inflammation of the epididymis, narrowing (stricture) urethra. Should pay particular attention to the complications arising from sexual partners of patients with urethritis. This primarily concerns the development of inflammatory diseases and cancer of the pelvic organs in women associated with pathogens of urethritis. Lack of treatment in women - carriers of agents of urethritis in serious breach of their reproductive function and causes complications in children born to these women. In particular this applies to children's diseases of the conjunctiva and lung.

When a discharge from the urethra, accompanied by itching and burning sensation when urinating should consult a specialist. First it is necessary to clarify the causes of inflammation of the urethra and the timely identification of the parasite.

After identifying the causative agent and the absence of other, more serious causes inflammation of the urethra, a course of antibacterial therapy lasts up to 7 days with mandatory follow-controlled cure. Men's health clinic has all the arsenal of tools for the diagnosis of urethritis, and control of cure. This helps ensure recovery and, most importantly, the lack of complications in patients, and among their relatives.
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When the men experiencing difficulties in their sexual lives, they mostly prefer to keep quiet about it, considering it is a question purely intimate, and erectile dysfunction (the term referred to any form of instability, potency) is not a medical problem.

Meanwhile, such difficulties can arise in people completely different age and social status. Their cause may be a rift in relations with partner, as well as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, prolonged depression, the state after past operations on the prostate gland.

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According to research Levitra not only improves sexual intercourse with men, but it is very important, and in their partners, improving the quality of sexual relations couples in general.

Needless to say that Levitra can help cure depression? Studies confirm that men after treatment feel more confident, get more pleasure from the relationship with a partner as opposed to those who have stopped treatment or not treated to a doctor for help.

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 of all men, regardless of age and under different forms of erectile dysfunction, are the effect of using Levitra, after the first dose. The drug is successfully applied in those patients who did not receive results from the action of other drugs such as Viagra.

Levitra more impact than the existing treatment facilities can use it as a broad audience of patients with various forms and degrees of erectile dysfunction and in severe cases, which include diabetes, as well as state after radical prostatectomy and severe erectile dysfunction.

These studies showed that Levitra improved the quality of sexual life: the frequency and duration of sex, the ease of his iniirovaniya, achieve orgasm, the pleasure of fondling, sensuality in four or five times.

Erectile dysfunction and its successful treatment - it is not just a question of erection, it is much more - it is also a question of the relationship as a couple. Sexual life does not exist in a vacuum, but under the influence of cultural attitudes, and biological aspects of interpersonal relationships.
Levitra allows the pair to return the natural and harmonious sexual relations.
Rx Maryland

Mycoplasma and other microorganisms

Mycoplasma and other microorganisms

As possible causes of chronic prostatitis nebakterialnogo were also given, and other microbial substances, in particular the family Mycoplasmataceae, which includes the genus Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. High level of provision U. Urealyticum in the control patients questioned the assertion that the organism is the cause of chronic prostatitis nebakterialnogo, this view was refuted by the scientists who conducted a large study of patients and control patients using a case-control

Escherichia (genus Escherichia)

Escherichia - rod-shaped bacteria belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae, the genus Escherichia, which consists of 5 species: E. coli, E. fergusoni, E. hermannii, E. vulneris, E. blattae. Type species - E. coli, has the greatest value in medicine. Diseases caused by E. coli, called esherihiozami. According antigenic and toxigenic properties of the agents are divided into opportunistic and pathogenic E. coli. Opportunistic coliform bacteria - commensals (representatives of the normal gut microflora), causative agents of opportunistic infections (parenteral esherihiozov) in the form of sepsis, peritonitis, cystitis, etc. Pathogenic, or diareegennye, Escherichia coli, causing enteral esherihiozy (gastroenteritis, colitis, etc.). Escherichia direct Gram-negative rods with rounded ends (0,6-1 x2 ,0-6, 0 m), many have a capsule or microcapsule, peritrihialnye flagella and drink.

Coliform bacterium (Escherichia coli) - one of the representatives of the normal intestinal flora, saprophyte colon.
Opportunistic and pathogenic serotypes of E. coli cause different forms of infectious process. When urinary tract infections are more common serotypes 02, 06, 09, with inflammation of the gall bladder - 01, 08, 011.
Coliform bacterium (Escherichia coli).
C. Trachomatis - pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria, opened in 1903, and S. L. Gelbershtedterom Provachekom, included in the order Chlamydiales, family Chlamidiaceae, born Chlamidia. Through specific receptors ET attach to epithelial cells, penetrating inside their phagosomes. Here in the cytoplasmic vacuoles (endosomes) ERs are transformed through a stage of transitional cells (PT) in the RT, while the latter are subjected to binary fission. After a period of growth and division of RT are the inverse transformation through a stage in ET Fri. Eventually, the whole vacuole is filled with ERs and turns into "inclusion" in the cytoplasm of the host cell.
Rx Illinois